The Deep Network project was created to address the gap in knowledge among researchers and adult educators on how adults learn about the seas and oceans. The project’s main goal is to identify the type of information adult learners need regarding the oceans’ role in climate change and the most effective learning methodologies to encourage pro-environmental behavior changes in specific adult learner profiles.
The Deep Network brings together marine researchers and adult educators to find what is important for us to know about human impact on the deep ocean, and suggest ways to educate adult learners so that they tend more towards behaviour change.
Over the next 18 months, the Deep Network project will develop quality educational material which could help adult learners along a pathway from knowing more about seas and oceans, to acting to change their behaviour.
- The first activity involves creating a network of practitioners who share a common interest in developing and exchanging high-quality educational material that can guide adult learners toward pro-environmental behavior changes. The network focuses on five key areas of human activity in the ocean: pollution, rising sea levels and ocean warming/acidification, habitat destruction, fisheries, and tourism
- The second activity involves collecting and reviewing examples of educational material that effectively inform adult learners and foster a sustained interest in marine science and conservation. The goal is to highlight the distinction between ‘knowing about’ and ‘doing’ in the context of climate change and to showcase how educational initiatives can support behavioral change
- The third activity involves collating all project materials and findings into an online platform that can serve as a valuable resource for future initiatives in marine education and conservation.
- Development of an informal adult learner profile in marine education and conservation, enabling targeted communication of information about the oceans’ role in climate change,
- Creation of 15 examples of inspiring practice that illustrate how to motivate specific adult learner profiles to adopt pro-environmental behaviors,
- Establishment of The Deep online platform and social media channels to curate and disseminate marine information effectively.
- Interchange Non-Profit gUG (Germany)
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece)
More Information
Date of the Project:
2023 - 2024

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02
Sustainability, Climate Change, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Environmental Degradation, Innovation, Blended Learning, Micro-credentials