
The Road2Freedom project aims to empower and develop skills to improve the lives of prisoners and ex-prisoners. It also seeks to encourage them to participate in the community and the labour market after their release through collaborative learning.

This objective will be achieved through the creation of a (former) prisoners’ support programme, which will apply the innovative educational approach of empowerment and lifelong learning “FROG” as well as the cooperative learning method.


The Road2Freedom project includes the following actions:

  • Research actions: Through primary (interviews and focus groups) and secondary research (literature review), the educational needs of prisoners and potential gaps in service provision to support them and prevent recidivism are identified
  • Empowerment and information activities. They concern the production of a documentary with stories of prisoners who have managed to escape the cycle of delinquency, which will be used in the project’s training and dissemination actions
  • Training actions. They concern the training of (former) prisoners based on the innovative educational empowerment approach “FROG” with the aim of developing a new, non-offending identity. The training will be implemented through the project’s dedicated training platform.


  • Comparative Report – Report on the current situation in the participating countries regarding the training provided within the penitentiary institutions. The Report will include both the results of the literature survey and the results of the interviews and focus groups on the training and empowerment opportunities within prisons
  • A documentary that will include a record of prisoners’ and released prisoners’ experiences of the empowerment and education they received during their detention and their post-release journey towards full social and economic inclusion
  • A blended learning training programme for (former) prisoners aimed at empowering them towards a life path away from delinquency.


  • Quasar, Iceland (coordinator)
  • Südwind, Austria
  • Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
  • Lyk-z & døtre, Norway
  • CESIE, Italy
  • Social Policy & Action Organization, Cyprus

More Information

Date of the Project:

2021 - 2024

Funding programme:

Erasmus +, Key Action 02


Prison Education, Vocational training, Erasmus+, Adult education, Criminal Justice System, Digital skills, Employment, Human rights, Social integration


Xenofon Chalatsis

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