European SafeOnline Initiative

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The European SafeOnline Initiative (ESOI) is an Erasmus+ co-funded European project based on the award-winning Flemish SafeOnline Initiative, created by Child Focus and Gezinsbond in Belgium. It is an adaptation and application of this successful practice in five (5) European countries.
The aim of the project is to improve the media literacy levels of children and young people through extensive training of their parents. Following an investigation of parents’ and children’s needs regarding new media and the risks of the internet, training sessions for parents has been designed, focusing on understanding the dangers of digital environments and developing skills to avoid them, with a vision of a safer internet. The project aims at supporting parents in their concerns about their children’s behaviour in digital environments, providing them knowledge and skills necessary to meet their children’s needs.


  • A guide for adapting and implementing the project in other countries.
  • Training material for teachers and parents on thematic fields such as cyberbullying, privacy and social media.
  • Training sessions for parents on new media and safe navigation online.
  • A book detailing the project approach.


  • Adaptation and implementation of the successful SafeOnline Initiative project at national level.
  • Creation of training materials for trainers and parents.
  • Training sessions of parents in new media and safe use of the Internet.
  • Dissemination of the results of the project so that they can be used and applied in other countries.


  • Child Focus, Coordinator (Belgium)
  • Gezinsbond (Belgium)
  • Ligue des familles (Belgium)
  • West University of Timisoara (Romania)
  • Univeristy of Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
  • Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Athens)
  • European University of Cyprus (Cyprus
  • European Association for Viewers Interests – EAVI (Belgium)

More Information

Date of the Project:

2019 - 2022

Funding programme:

Erasmus +, Key Action 03, Support for policy reform, Social inclusion tand common values: the contribution in the field of education and training.


Media Literacy, SafeOnline


Ourania Xylouri

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