The Escape2 project aims to involve in the tourism section, rural regions of European countries, territories with a lower level of productivity and employment but rich in landscapes and heritage. In order to accomplish this, the project addresses specific needs detected in these areas, relatively scarce or non-existent experiences of rural tourism with integrated strategies and integrated development policy/territorial focused on tourism as a key element for economic growth. The main objective of the project is to develop a common strategy that integrates all participating countries and allows for an effective impact on local communities and economy. Through the project activities and the training modules, Escape2 hopes to involve actors that often have no access to knowledge and information and lack the capacity to ensure the viability of their natural and cultural heritage and need to be strongly informed, trained and supported to plan and adopted an innovative tourism strategy where they can play an important role. This Strategy will be created confronting local situations, sharing best practices and finding common needs: the network will be actually built amongst similar destinations to develop the benchmark values necessary for quality comparison.
- Confrontation of local situations, share of best practices and the realization of common needs will be developed by the Implementation of the IO1
- In one year, the map of the main stakeholders, the conduction of an updated market research and the search of best practices referred to the rural tourism will be accomplished.
- All the documents of the output will be included in an Overview report which will serve as the basis of the IO2, namely, to set up the training course.
- The second and third output will result on tools specifically produced to reach the overall Strategy.
- The project will develop contents and curricula based on the results of mapping and matching and will test and pilot the training for 3 months by organizing online courses delivered through the project platform.
- Creation of a common strategy with the involvement of actors with no access to tourism knowledge and information:
- At a national level, the project will facilitate the creation of actors/stakeholders/policy-makers networks through the participation in ESCAPE2 local events (dissemination events/local seminars).
- At a national level, the project will transfer to these networks all relevant knowledge about rural tourism marketing strategies in synergy with national/local tourism strategies.
- At cross-border level, there will be an adoption of a common transferable methodology-innovative/integrated strategy for sustainable exploitation of cultural/natural/historical resources as economic assets, to create a Cross-Border Network on High Quality Tourism Rural Development.
- Momentum Marketing Services Limited- Ireland
- Meridaunia- Italy
- New Edu, n.o- Slovakia
- Agritour Ltd.- Bulgaria
- Approximar- Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL- Portugal
- Asociatia European Association for Social Inovation- Romania
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute – Greece
- Kadin ve Genc Girisim Merkezi Dernegi- Woman and Young Entrepreneurship Centre Association – Turkey
More Information
Date of the Project:
01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
social inclusion
rural development
tourist sector
Arianna Ioannidou