The “EntrepVet” project aims to empower young people aged 16 to 29 who are, or are at risk of being, not in employment, education or training (NEETs) and decrease their number. This will be achieved by improving their employability through a co-created entrepreneurship training programme that enhances both digital and entrepreneurial skills, as well as their self-respect and motivation. Responding to the new demands brought by the Covid-19 crisis, the project aims to create an innovative, motivational, entrepreneurial training package, based on digital and entrepreneurial Skillsets to be made available to teachers, educators, VET trainers, and staff working with young people
- One (1) training curriculum
- The Digital Toolkit and Webinars available to all VET educators, trainers and youth workers
- Workshops for VET educators and NEETs
- Local entrepreneurial community hubs
- Interviews and focus groups with VET stakeholders and NEET groups for the co-creation of the VET digital curriculum.
- Creation of the Digital Toolkit focusing on developing entrepreneurial mind-sets, available to all educators and trainers.
- Development of a website that will provide progress reports and materials related to the project, including 6 training webinars.
- Training activities for VET trainers/educators.
- Training activities for young NEETs.
- Creation of local community VET entrepreneurial hubs to support young NEETs.
- Local conference events to disseminate the outcomes of the project.
- WSX Enterprise, Coordinator (United Kingdom)
- Make A Dream Publishing Ltd (United Kingdom)
- PROWORK (Netherlands)
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece)
- MUSEV (Turkey)
- BUCOVINA (Romania)
- DMLAS (Italy)
More Information
Date of the Project:
2021 - 2023

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Not in Education, Employment or Training NEET, Vocational education and training VET, Digital skills, Entrepreneurial skills, Social inclusion, Entrepreneurial hubs, Erasmus+
Maria Menegaki