Today’s fast internet era places high demands on all users, their critical thinking and their ability to respond to the information overload that is coming from many different sources. Today’s elders have lived most of their lives at a time when the Internet was far from being as developed as it is today.
Therefore, they might be subject to disinformation pressures, manipulations, fake news and conspiracy theories.
The Fake News & Elders project aims to educate seniors on fake news and media literacy in order to be able to critically assess media contents.
- Handbook for elders on mass communication and fake news
- Practical course for elders on the critical use of new media in relation to fake news
- Methodological guide for social workers and organizations who work with elders on how to help them improve their digital and media literacy skills
- Educational boards with key information about fake news and how to deal with them
– Provision of educational material and attractive products to people who work with elders that can be used even after the end of the project
– Research on the main concepts of miscommunication as applied to different contexts around Europe
– Establishment of the Expert’s Board which will consist of elders and persons who work with elders and will provide their opinion on the material developed
- Frame (Poland – coordinator)
- I.E.R.F.O.P. ONLUS (Italy)
- FYG Consultores (Spain)
- E-SENIORS (France)
- Spolek Pelican (Czech Republic)
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece)
More Information
Date of the Project:
01.12.2021 - 01.12.2023

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02, Adult Education
Media Literacy, Fake News, Elders, Seniors