The e-EngAged project is part of the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme and represents an innovative initiative that enhances critical thinking and digital literacy by applying an intergenerational educational approach.
The Athens Lifelong Learning Institute as the project coordinator and in collaboration with partners from all over Europe, remains dedicated to the implementation of a series of trainings revolving around digital issues, which aim to be delivered by young people aged between 18 and 25 years old and are addressed to adults aged 50+.
Among other things, the project addresses issues of civic engagement, intergenerational education, digital literacy and misinformation.
- Creation a survey questionnaire and distribution to 120 respondents in 4 European countries on issues of misinformation and digital policy. The aim of this research is to study the beliefs and needs of citizens on the issues and the adoption of best practices at policy level,
- Conducting a series of intergenerational dialogues at national (Greece, France, Italy) and European level, with the ultimate aim of writing a policy proposal on misinformation and digital literacy issues, addressed to EU policy makers,
- Implementation of the so-called Train-the-Trainer Events in Greece, France and Italy, involving 150 young people aged 18-25, to take on the role of trainers at a later stage, around digital issues,
- Creation of a network which will act as a meeting and interaction space for young trainers,
- As part of the intergenerational approach, a series of trainings will be implemented in Greece, France and Italy with young adults taking on the role of the trainer, educating adults aged 50+ on matters of digital literacy and misinformation,
- A series of national and European events to disseminate the results of the project.
- Preparation and distribution of 120 questionnaires and a comparative report summarizing the main results of the survey,
- 4 national intergenerational dialogues and a relevant policy proposal,
- Development of didactic material to be used in the 4 national Train-The-Trainer Events, involving trainers aged 18-25 and cultivating the relevant network of the Media Literacy Trainers,
- Implementation of the Media Literacy Trainings in Italy, Greece and France. Those trainings consist of national intergenerational workshops, where adults aged between 18-25 had the opportunity to broaden the knowledge of people aged 50+ on digital issues. After the completion of the trainings, the partnership prepared a relevant report summarizing the main results and conclusions.
- A series of events at national and European level to communicate the results of the project.
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece (Coordinator)
- European Association for the Education of Adults, Belgium
- Federation Europeenne des Journalistes, Belgium
- E-Seniors: Initiation des Seniors Aux Ntic Associations, France
- Pistes Solidaires, France
- People Behind, Greece
- European Association for Viewers Interests Aisbl – EAVI, Belgium
- Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
- Istitutocomprensivo di Bosco Chiesanuova, Polo europeo della conoscenza, Italy
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Date of the Project:
2022 - 2025

Funding programme:
Digital skills, Adult education, Citizen Engagement