The Access Enterprise project aims at the social and economic inclusion of members of marginalized group through the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities for them. In order to achieve this, the project develops learning resources which support the professional development of new and existing Business Advisers/Educators working with people from marginalized groups (such as young people, people with disabilities, migrants, people from social deprived communities and women). Access Enterprise does this by developing training packages which promote partnership working between Business Advisers/Educators and people from marginalized groups. By creating training programmes which are truly co-produced Access Enterprise will develop resources which can be used by a range of Business Advisers/coaches and are relevant and meaningful to their work and the diverse individuals they support.
- State of Art Review on Entrepreneurship support for marginalised groups
- Training Modules and Resources for Business Advisers/Coaches
- The Access Enterprise Methodology for Business Advisers/Coaches
- The Access Enterprise Handbook and Guide
- European training for 12 Business Advisers/Coaches.
- National training programmes for 30 Business Advisers/Coaches.
- Piloting of the Access Enterprise Methodology to 72 members of marginalized groups
- National and European multiplier events promoting the sustainability of the Access Enterprise Resources and Methodology
- Merseyside Expanding Horizons, UK (coordinator)
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
- Career Development and Integration, Spain
- Aproximar, Portugal
- Social Innovation Fund, Lithuania
- CPIP, Romania
More Information
Date of the Project:
01.09.2018- 30.08.2020

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
social inclusion entrepreneurship employment vulnerable social groups
Isidora Mytilinaiou