The eMERGE project aims to empower teachers’ skills in media literacy in order to deconstruct with students the gender representations and stereotypes rooted in their media practices and pop cultures. Through their involvement in project activities, teachers from four European countries will co-design a methodological approach that will allow them to seek and identify students’ media practices and consumption, especially regarding gender stereotypes and roles. The ultimate objective of the project is to raise students’ awareness (attending primary and secondary schools across Europe) about gender representations in media and the effects on citizenship and living together of the class/school community including through local digital media productions.
- A kit of methodological activities for teachers to seek students’ media and cultural practices
- An e-learning module of media education about gender issues in media and pop culture
- A media education toolkit about gender issues in media and pop cultures, adaptable to any learning context of diversity
- An online guide titled: “Media education to improve gender equality at school”
- Open access site including all of the products created during the project
- Collaboration and co-design activities with teachers for the production of the methodological activities related to the education on gender stereotypes, pop culture and diversity
- Training course for teachers about gender issues in media and pop culture
- Research activities on gender, diversity and school practices
- Dissemination of results
- Creation of a guide on gender equality
- Media Animation (Belgium, coordinator),
- Mediawise Society (Romania),
- University of Palermo (Italy) and
- Athens Lifelong learning Institute (Greece).
Περισσοτερες Πληροφοριες
Διαρκεια Εργου:
01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023

Προγραμμα Χρηματοδοτησης:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
τα έμφυλα στερεότυπα
school education
γραμματισμό στα νέα μέσα