The Skills + 3.0 project is the third one in a series of innovative projects, promoting capacity building for people with labor disabilities and offering innovative ways to bridge the gap between these talented individuals and potential employers. The project prioritizes boosting employability through unique approaches like competitions.
- Organization of a series of national and a european competition that will give the opportunity to people with disabilities to showcase their skills and boost their employability.
- The Digital Manual for Sheltered Workshops and job coaches will be used by the job coaches and buddies in order to guide the participants.
- The practical toolkit will be used by the employers and help them create inclusive workplace accommodations.
- The Skills + 3.0 Digital Manual designed for Sheltered Workshops and job coaches.
- Skills+ Competitions: eight national competitions and one European.
- A practical toolkit for employers.
- Pro Work Stichting Kenniscentrum, Netherlands
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
- Euroface Consulting s.r.o., Czechia
- Centro Iniziative Ricerche e Programmazione Economica (CIRPE), Italy
- Fundación Siglo22, Spain
- CollectiveUP, Belgium
- Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina, Romania
- Social Projects Institute, Lithuania
More Information
Date of the Project:
2023 - 2026
Funding programme:
ERASMUS +, Key Action: KA220-ADU
social inclusion, employment, vulnerable social groups, life skills