The project aims at promoting supported independent living as an alternative care practice for unaccompanied minors aged 15-18. Good practices regarding this type of care will be collected, exchanged and disseminated leading to the creation of a guide for the efficient provision of care to unaccompanied minors. The guide will be tested in the field by professionals, evaluated through follow-up (feedback forms) and readjusted at the end of project.
PROUD will also support the capacity building of child protection professionals and the adoption of a mentoring scheme to deal with adaptation and integration aspects of minors in the new contexts.
- Report on the integration context for unaccompanied minors
- Guide for professionals on supported independent living schemes
- Mentoring Protocol for unaccompanied minors and mentors
- Training materials for mentors and mentees
- Training of professionals working with unaccompanied minors
- Training of mentors
- Individual career orientations sessions with at least 50 unaccompanied minors
- Metadrasi – Action for Migration and Development, Greece (coordinator)
- Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
- Fundacio Privada Idea, Spain
- Apostoli, Greece
- Plan International, Germany
- Stichting Nidos, Netherlands
- Center for European CVonstitutional Law, Greece
More Information
Date of the Project:
01.10.2019 – 30.09.2021

Funding programme:
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Social inclusion Unaccompanied minors Mentoring Child rights Human rights
Xenofon Chalatsis