Mutualizing generational competencies for training migrants in Europe: Pathways for
social mobility, autonomy and welfare of vulnerable individuals

The project aims to tackle, from a multidisciplinary approach, the issues of integration, training, personal development and employment of migrants across Europe. One of the main objectives of this project is to develop innovative training programs based on the identified needs of adult migrants in the participating countries and by doing so, contributing to the quality of adult learning at the European
level. This project targets more than 200 male and female adult migrants who have been living for at least two years in one of the participating countries
and who are unemployed. Project partners will develop and test innovative training modules around the eight competencies of European Framework of Key Competences for upskilling educators working with adult migrants. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote the transfer of intergenerational skills, to develop the potential of adult learners and adult educators, to improve the linguistic, digital, intercultural , socio-professional and entrepreneurship skills of migrant populations, and to facilitate their social and professional integration.
- improvement of migrants’ language, scientific and digital, intercultural and environmental, social and civic, socio-professional skills with the aim of improve their personal development, their active participation in society and their employability in the European labor market
- empowerment of migrants and development of their sense of autonomy
- upskilling of migrant educators through the development of relevant methodologies and educational tools
- Transnational analysis of integration policies, professional training and good practices for migrants’ insertion in the labor market
- Development and testing of innovative language teaching/ learning methods for migrant populations
- Analysis of professional needs of migrants and development of professional training modules
- Mentoring activities to improve migrants’ learning abilities and level of employability
- Storytelling activities for empowering and motivating adult migrants through selected success stories.
SIDEC, project coordinator (Louxembourg)
Aproximar (Portugal)
Amadora Inova (Portugal)
Athens LifeLearning (Greece)
Office House Capellen (Louxembourg)
More Information
Date of the Project:
01.09.2020 – 30.06.2023

Funding programme:
Erasmus +, Key Action 02, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
migrant education
migrants’ educators