
The 4LessBurnout project seeks to develop appropriate means and tools to identify and assess the level of stress and burnout of professionals who work daily with vulnerable social groups, such as, for example, teachers, researchers, experts in occupational health, psychologists, psychiatrists, human resource managers and social workers. The aim is to support and empower them so that they can adequately cope with their professional role while stimulating their mental and emotional health. The project includes the development of tools and the implementation of actions that will contribute to dealing with the professional burnout of these professionals, improving the quality of the services they offer but also contributing to their personal and professional well-being.


– Primary and secondary research on the diagnosis and treatment of burnout, for professionals who offer support services to vulnerable social groups

– Development and pilot application of the online tool in groups of psychologists, social workers, trainers for the assessment of their burnout levels and of the factors contributing to them

– Development of educational curriculum and content and its application in pilot blended learning training activities for two groups of 15 people each

– Research and development of an online toolbox with activities and tools for the early diagnosis and treatment of occupational stress


– A Self-Assessment Tool on Burnout and on the Stress Factors Contributing to Burnout

– A blended learning training program for professionals in the field on diagnosing and addressing factors that contribute to high levels of burnout.

– An online Toolkit that will include activities, tools, articles and studies to deal with burnout and occupational stress


  • Afeji (France) – Project coordinator,
  • Aproximar (Portugal ),
  • Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal),
  • Redial (Ireland),
  • European Association for Social Innovation (EaSI) (Romania),
  • Asociația Centrul de Cercetare și Formare a Universității de Nord Baia Mare (CCF) (Romania) 
  • Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece).


More Information

Date of the Project:

2021 - 2024

Funding programme:

Erasmus +, Key Action 02


Social practitioners Burnout Vulnerable social groups Adult education Social inclusion



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