Information Session

Metaverse: Using New Technologies to Combat Disinformation
Are you ready for an exciting journey against disinformation through the virtual Metaverse environment?
We invite you to participate in the information session we are organizing as part of the Erasmus+ project “CheckMate”, which will take place online on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 15:30.
The goal of the information session is to present the Checkmate project, which seeks to combat disinformation in the media and to present and familiarize the public with the innovative Metaverse platform that has been developed as part of the project. You will have the opportunity to meet our team, learn more about the technologies we use, discover the Metaverse environment, and navigate through it.
Your participation is valuable, and we believe that your presence will significantly contribute to the discussion on combating disinformation, an issue that concerns us all.
The CheckMate project has the following main objectives:
- To combat disinformation, focusing on relevant legislation.
- To enhance media literacy.
- To raise awareness and promote social dialogue with the aim of developing new solutions and relevant policy recommendations.
- To promote the use of new technologies that will contribute to combating disinformation.
The project partners are BürgerInnen Forum Europa (Austria), Neapolis University (Cyprus), Athens Lifelong Learning Institute (Greece), Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy), SYNCNIFY (France), and Socialiniu Inovaciju Centras (Lithuania).
For more information about the project, you can visit here:
Registrations have been completed
I declare that I have been informed and consent to the processing of personal data concerning my participation in the information session “Metaverse: using new technologies to tackle misinformation” in the framework of the European project Checkmate.